# 1- September 9, 2024
Newsletter – September 6, 2024.
The staff at FIelding Dr.P.S. are happy to be working as a team to help your child set goals, think creatively and develop the skills to collaborate with others.
We encourage you to limit your child’s screen time each evening.
It is essential to establish time for your child to read at home each evening. It is beneficial to talk to your child about what they are reading and ask them to share details.
We will hold our school Terry Fox Run of Hope on September 26. Students will try their best to complete as many laps of our back field as they can. Donations to the Terry Fox Run of Hope will be collected by homeroom teachers. We are encouraging donations of a toonie. Thank you for your donations to this cause.
# 2 - September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024
Staff at Fielding Dr. P.S. appreciate it if you could set aside time each evening to support your child developing a habit of reading and limiting screen time to a maximum of two hours from after school to bedtime.
Meet the Teacher Event - Please come to school with your child(ren) on September 17, 4:00pm to 5:30 pm.
The students have been enjoying our wonderful back field by playing different sports and games. Students know that due to safety concerns, all games must not include any physical aggression such as tacking in football. It is also important that students do not wear cleats while at school.
Fielding Drive Public School’s Terry Fox Run is set to take place this year on Thursday, September 26, 2024. Last year, as a school, we proudly raised $610 for cancer research. This year, we are hoping that families donate a “Toonie or Two!” in Terry’s name so that we may reach our goal of $1000. If you would like to donate to the Terry Fox foundation, here is the school’s link in order to do so: https://schools.terryfox.ca/69062
We ask families to register and have a school cash online account. This allows you to pay for a variety of things this year such as pizza, popcorn or to donate to the school. We have set up a portal on our School Cash Online for a voluntary donation through student fees. The suggested fee is $20.00 per student and $35.00 per family. Student fees are voluntary and any amount is appreciated. The money donated goes to support extra-curricular activities, purchasing resources for the science lab, our music program and special art supplies.
The address to set up your School Cash Online Account https://www.ocdsb.ca/parent_services_cash_online
To report your child's absence please use the following address to set up your account.
# 3 - September 20, 2024
September 20, 2024
It was wonderful to see so many parents/guardians at Meet the Teacher. Thank you for coming into the school.
The staff appreciate your collaboration in ensuring your child sets aside time each night to read.
Fielding Drive Public School’s Terry Fox Run is set to take place this year on Thursday, September 26, 2024. Last year, as a school, we proudly raised $610 for cancer research. This year, we are hoping that families donate a “Toonie or Two!” in Terry’s name so that we may reach our goal of $1000. If you would like to donate to the Terry Fox foundation, here is the school’s link in order to do so: https://schools.terryfox.ca/69062
If you have not completed the consent form yet for Walks in the Community please do so. Below is the link for Community Walks including Arnot Park next to Fielding Drive Public School. Form for Participation.
Pick up - we ask that parents please wait out front for their child(ren) as our yard in back of the school is used by different classes often until the end of the day.
There is no school Friday, September 27, 2024 due to a scheduled PA day for staff. Friday, September 27 is a Professional Activity Day for OCDSB school staff that focuses on key Ministry Priorities: Literacy and Numeracy, and Student Well-being and Safety. School staff will attend in-person and participate in learning activities facilitated by school administrators.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Susan Bouwer - Principal
Nicole Phillips - Vice Principal
# 4 -September 27, 2024
September 27, 2024
The students did a fantastic job during our Terry Fox Run. They exhibited the characteristics that Terry modeled as they tried their best !
Monday, September 30th is Orange Shirt Day. It is not a spirit day, but we wear orange to honor survivors of residential schools and reflect on the deeper impact these institutions had on Indigenous communities across Canada.
No School tomorrow - it is a professional development day for staff.
Good news - Effective Monday September 30th, 2024 transportation will be reinstated for students assigned to the AM/PM bus route X23. Families can review stop locations and times on the OSTA Parent Portal.
Extra- curricular activities have started. A big thank you to staff who volunteer to organize and run these activities. Right now, we have Junior Cross Country tryouts, Intermediate Cross Country and tryouts for Intermediate Football.
School Council meets on the last Wednesday of every month. All are invited to attend!
Our neighbouring school, General Vanier, is fundraising with Indigo Chapters.
Here is the link to the online fundraising page:
# 5 - October 4, 2024
October 4, 2024
Helping Your Child Manage Digital Technology
How do I know if my child’s screen time is problematic? Here are some things you may wish to watch for: Is your child spending more time on screens than on other enjoyable activities such as hobbies, physical activities and face to face interaction? Technology use can have a powerful “crowding out effect” by taking the place of other interests. You may notice your child prefers the virtual world over involvement in the real world.Collaborate with your child around setting structured rules and consequences regarding screen use. For example, it can be helpful to establish designated technology-free times.
School Council is a wonderful way to be active in supporting your child’s school. It is a great opportunity to spearhead initiatives and work collaboratively with the administration, teachers, and community members. Meetings will be hybrid with both in-person and virtual. The next meeting is Oct 30th.
Thank you for your donations to our fundraiser for the Terry Fox Foundation. We raised $785.0
We wish you an enjoyable weekend.
Susan Bouwer - Principal
Nicole Phillips - Vice Principal
# 6 - October 11, 2024
October 11, 2024
Thank you for supporting your child by talking to them about what they are reading each evening. Reading everyday at home is an expectation.
The Junior Cross Country Team and the Intermediate Cross Country Team made Fielding proud at their respective Regional Cross Country Meets. We had a student in grade 5 and a student in grade 8 have a distinctive first place. We are proud of our runners for consistently showing up to train, and completing the race (some in the top 30, out of more than 100! )Stay tuned for a Spring 2025 running club that will lead up to Ottawa Race Weekend.
A big thank you to all the parent volunteers and our teacher supervisors for making the day a success for the runners!
Please remember to fill out the following forms if you have not already done so.
-- Appropriate Use of Technology
- Media-School-Website-Consent-Form
Everyday more than 15,000 students in the OCDSB come to school in need of support. At the Education Foundation of Ottawa, it's about what children deserve. Together, you can help!
There is no school Monday,October 14 as it is Thanksgiving.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Susan Bouwer -Principal
# 7 - October 18, 2024
Oct. 18, 2024
Reading: Reading non -fiction or fiction is an important part of every student’s homework routine. Nearest Ottawa Public Library branch - 2516 Alta Vista Drive.
Harvest Food Drive
Student council will be holding a food drive until October 25th. If you wish to donate, the food bank is looking for non-perishable food items, toiletries.
Congratulations - to the girls and boys touch football team for their hard work in competition and representing Fielding Dr. P.S. so well.
School Picture Retake Day - Wed. October 23, 2024
HALLOW-GRAMS! Students can purchase a Hallow-gram for their friends, teacher or staff member (with a mystery treat attached and a kind message) To do so please bring in your $1.00 to buy Hallow-grams on Monday, October 21st, Wednesday, October 23rd, or Friday, October 25th.
School Council Meeting - Wednesday,Oct. 30 7:00 pm. You can attend in person or virtually.
Link will be shared the day of the meeting.
# 8 - October 25, 2025
Friday, October 25, 2024
Staff are appreciative of parent/guardian support. The extra-curricular activities and school events are possible through your volunteering.
Staff wish to emphasize the importance of good technology practices. It is important that parents/guardians ensure phones or other electronic devices your child (ren) use are put away and not accessible two hours before bedtime.
Congratulations to our boys and girls junior soccer team! The teams made Fielding proud at the soccer tournaments this week with their effort and sportsmanship.
School Cash Online Orders - You have to enable email notifications or else you will not be made aware of anything posted or sent out via school cash online.
School Council Meeting October 30th at 7:00 pm.
Ottawa Student Transportation Authority has launched a user-friendly progressive web application to provide real-time updates about your child’s transportation status. With this app, you will receive timely alerts and notifications directly to your device via push notifications. It is easy to set up, it is free, and notifications are instant. Visit www.ottawaschoolbus.ca to learn more.
# 9 - November 1, 2024
Friday, November 1, 2024
Responsibility: Staff work daily with students on being responsible. Students are responsible for their actions and words and understanding the impact on themselves and their relationships with peers and adults.
Join us on Saturday, November 2, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 pm. The OCDSB Family Conference at Woodroffe High School. This year’s theme is Supporting Education Through Change, focussing on strengthening our school community's resilience and fostering meaningful connections. We invite parents, caregivers, students and staff to this free, in-person event organized by OCDSB's Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and OCDSB’s Family and Community Engagement (FACE).
Halal Hot Dogs on sale on School Cash Online. Proceeds support the music program and science manipulatives.
Raffle tickets will be on sale to students throughout November. All money raised will go to purchasing new gym equipment. Students will get to write down their name, class and which teacher they are selecting to either draw a moustache on, or pie in the face (whip cream) at our end of November pep rally style assembly.
Math Games - Fun way to practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing and developing mental math strategies.
Please contact Mr.Mrogan at morgan.carson@ocdsb.ca if you are interested in purchasing . Limited number available.
Thank you for your support.
We invite parents, caregivers, students and staff to this free, in-person event organized by OCDSB's Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and OCDSB’s Family and Community Engagement (FACE).
# 10 - November 8, 2024
Thursday, November 8, 2024
Professional Activity Day tomorrow- No School for Students. Staff will focus on literacy and numeracy learning as well as cyber security for students.
The grade 8 students will be hosting a bake sale to help raise money for their end of year trip. Items will range from 0.50 to 2 dollars.
Thank you for your support.
Susan Bouwer - Principal
Nicole Phillips - Vice - Principal
# 11 - November 15, 2024
November 15, 2024
Thank you! The grade eights want to express their thanks for the support from all families. Many families contributed baked goods and many families supported by allowing their child to purchase a baked good. The grade eight student graduation committee did a great job organizing !
Report cards will be sent home electronically November 20. Parent teacher interviews are the evening of Nov. 28 and the morning of Nov. 29. Please watch for the parent interview link being sent by your child's homeroom teacher next week.
Our learning support teacher is spearheading a sweet campaign to raise money to purchase special craft materials for a recess club. Great chocolate treats to support this initiative can be found at https://fundraising.purdys.com/2057319-124412
The Junior Bordenball tryouts started this week and the Intermediate Volleyball teams are practicing with enthusiasm and hard work!
We appreciate your continued support.
# 12 - November 29, 2024
November 29, 2024
It is wonderful to be welcoming parents and guardians for interviews this evening and tomorrow from 8:00 until 10:30 am.
Brookfield High School has a Food Cupboard that is open every Wednesday from 4:30 to 8:00 pm. for families in our community. You can visit and it does not interfere with any food bank visits as it is a separate organization run by community volunteers. The cupboard is closed Dec.15 and Jan. 1
Chess Club - This very popular club is starting again. With many students attending, the club is looking for donations of chess sets. A donation of a chess set to the school would be greatly appreciated.
Movember - Last day to purchase a ticket for $1.00 is Monday.
Our learning support teacher is spearheading a sweet campaign to raise money to purchase special craft materials for a recess club. Great chocolate treats to support this initiative can be found at https://fundraising.purdys.com/dashboard.aspx Thanks!
Fielding Gear is available for order. We are partnered with My School Clothing to offer a variety of Fielding Merchandise. Families can choose from Hoodies, tshirt, caps, bags and more. A small portion of the sales comes back to Fielding to help support initiatives around the school. Check out
or scan the QR code for more information. Deliveries will be made to the school, just select pick up in store, then my school.
# 13 - December 6, 2024
December 6, 2024
Staff say thank you! We appreciate when parents/guardians limit their child’s time on electronic devices. Doing so is important for your child’s well being.
هل أحدد وقت طفلي على
الأجهزة الإلكترونية (نظام
الألعاب، الجهاز اللوحي،
الهاتف، الكمبيوتر،
Digital wellness: There is a presentation to intermediate students next week on best practices for technology use.
Student Council is selling Candy Cane Grams to raise money for the Grade 8 Grad Trip! Council members are visiting classrooms during nutrition breaks on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons next week. For $1, students can buy a candy cane for themselves or gift them to a friend. Candy Cane Grams will be delivered the week of December 16.
Winter holiday - as a staff we are mindful of the needs in our community. Staff ask that families that are thinking of giving a gift to their teacher would please give instead to the Education Foundation. The Education Foundation is our main partner organization for ensuring that basic needs of our students are met. https://www.educationfoundationottawa.ca/
The Grinch: On Wednesday Dec. 18 bring your camera between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm and get a selfie with the Grinch! Donations are accepted.
For Students: Free Literacy and Numeracy Support: For students in grade 7 to 12. Please visit the following for information on locations. https://www.ocdsb.ca/cms/One.aspx?portalId=55478&pageId=38776985
# 14 - December13, 2024
December 13, 2025
Winter holiday - as a staff we are mindful of the needs in our community. Staff ask that families that are thinking of giving a gift to their teacher would please give instead to the Education Foundation. The Education Foundation is our main partner organization for ensuring that basic needs of our students are met. https://www.educationfoundationottawa.ca/
Students representing Fielding Dr. P.S. - The Bordenball teams and the Tier 2 Girls Volleyball team represented our school well at their respective tournaments.
Lost and Found: There are sweatshirts, individual gloves, and a few coats in the lost and found box. Please remind your child to look if they are missing anything. The lost and found items will be sent to charity next Thursday.
The Grinch: On Wednesday Dec. 18 bring your camera between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm and get a selfie with the Grinch! $5.00 Donations suggested.
For Students: Free Literacy and Numeracy Support: For students in grade 7 to 12. Please visit the following for information on locations. https://www.ocdsb.ca/cms/One.aspx?portalId=55478&pageId=38776985
Intermediate students- The Grad Committee will be hosting the December Fundraiser next week. On Tuesday, December 17th Fielding Drive intermediate students will be invited to the large gym to watch a movie. The movie will be during the middle block at school (10:45 to 12:45). We will watch Home Alone, rated PG. Intermediate Students were given a chance to vote; of the 205 intermediate students, 134 Voted. Home Alone was selected with 46.3% choosing this movie. If your child would like to bring a blanket to sit on during the movie they may. The Grad Committee will be selling snacks, candy, chocolate and chips at the canteen.
Wishing you a restful weekend!
Susan Bouwer - Principal
Nicole Phillips - Vice - Principal
# 15 - December 20, 2024
December 20, 2024
Staff wish everyone a restful holiday and best wishes for the New Year!
For all who celebrate Merry Christmas!
If someone you know needs support over the break please connect with one of the resources below.
Community Resources for families and students:
Youth Services Bureau Crisis Line (24/7) 613-260-2360 or chat.ysb.ca
Kids Help Phone (24/7) 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
1 Call-1 Click - free online mental health counseling
Ottawa Distress Centre (24/7) 613-238-3311
Ottawa Crisis Line: 613-722-6914
Crisis line for 2SLBGTQ+ youth: https://www.youthline.ca/ or 1-800-268-9688
Parent Lifeline of Eastern Ontario: 1 877-777- 7775
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
# 16 - January 10, 2025
January 10, 2025
As a staff we extend best wishes for the New Year to all families.
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On Wednesday January 15th, the Grad Committee will be selling hot chocolate to raise money for their field trip in June. The cost will be $2 per cup with a limit of one cup per student. The juniors will be able to purchase at the first break (10:20 to 10:45am) and intermediates will be able to purchase at the second break (1:05 to 1:30pm). The hot chocolate will contain milk and can not be guaranteed peanut free.
Lost and Found - we have three winter coats and four pairs of winter boots in our lost and found. Has your child lost their coat or boots? Please remind them to check the lost and found.
Professional Activity January 24 - No School for students
Report Cards will be emailed electronically on Wednesday, Feb. 12.
Thank you for your continued support.
Susan Bouwer – Principal
Nicole Phillips - Vice - Principal
# 17 - January 17, 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025
Staff engage with students the importance of a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means believing their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from teacher, parents and mentors.)
Report cards will be sent electronically to parents/guardians on Wednesday, February 12.
No School on Friday, February 14th.
The Graduation Committee continues to raise money for the graduation trip to Kingston. We appreciate all the support from the Fielding Community with our fundraising efforts.
On Wednesday February 12th we will run our last hot chocolate sale of the season. Hot Chocolate will be sold one per student at a cost of $2 dollars per cup.
On Friday, February 21st we will be hosting a bake sale. We have asked that all items be nut free, although we cannot guarantee. Item will be priced between $0.50 to $2.00.
# 18 - January 23, 2025
January 23, 2025
Staff work with students to help them be responsible. Students grow in their understanding of how their actions impact themselves and their community.
No School Tomorrow.
The pizza orders were late being given to students today due to the supplier. The pizza supplier shared with our OA the following statement this afternoon - We sincerely apologize for the delay but the situation was beyond our control as our both top and bottom ovens were not operating. We called the technician at 9 am and still we were waiting. Technician came in at 10:30. The technician somehow fixed it within the time limits, but the oven still took more time to get the temperature than normal time.
School Council - Wednesday, January 29.
Thank you for your continued support.
Susan Bouwer - Principal
Nicole Phillips - Vice-Principal
# 19 - February 7, 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025
Staff engage with students the importance of a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means believing their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from teacher, parents and mentors.)
Report cards will be sent electronically to parents/guardians on Wednesday, February 12.
No School on Friday, February 14th.
The Graduation Committee continues to raise money for the graduation trip to Kingston. We appreciate all the support from the Fielding Community with our fundraising efforts.
On Wednesday February 12th we will run our last hot chocolate sale of the season. Hot Chocolate will be sold one per student at a cost of $2 dollars per cup.
On Friday, February 21st we will be hosting a bake sale. We have asked that all items be nut free, although we cannot guarantee. Item will be priced between $0.50 to $2.00.
# 20 - February14, 2025
February 14, 2025
Staff wish students and families an enjoyable Family Day Weekend!
The grade eights will be holding a Bake Sale on Friday, February 21st, 2025 in support of their end of year trip. Staff and students thank you for your support.
Please save the date - Wednesday, February 26th! Fielding Staff and School Council invite you to a Winter Serenade: A celebration of the Arts and an opportunity to learn more about School Council. Light refreshments will be served.
EQAO Math Night for Parents and Guardians. This live webinar will discuss math questions that Ontario students encounter when they participate in the assessment taken by all Ontario students in Grades 3, 6, and 9.During the webinar, EQAO staff will show how these math questions help assess the skills students are learning in their math classes and also share valuable insights from the past three years of assessment results, which can help parents and guardians support their child’s math learning. https://eqao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5puRqI8uQJypIaHgBYoBMw#/registration
With more snow forecasted this weekend we hope everyone stays safe on the roads and hope you can enjoy the snow in your community!
Susan Bouwer- Principal
Nicole Phillips - Vice- Principal