Our School
Fielding Drive Public School, a sprawling brick bungalow surrounded by spacious grounds, is nestled in a residential area near Mooney’s Bay. Opened in 1969 as an open concept K-8 school, the open areas have had walls added to form more traditional classrooms. In 1988, Fielding became a middle school for Grades 4-8 English program and Grades 5-8 Early French Immersion program. A creative program delivery model reflects the staff’s dynamic, exciting, and collaborative approach to education.
At Fielding, we strive to create a family-like climate where the Fielding staff, students, and parents show genuine care and commitment for each other. Within this supportive and stimulating environment, all students are encouraged to do their best to reach their potential.
Our Students
Many of our students within the English Program come from General Vanier. Our Grade 5 Early French Immersion students are primarily from Bayview Public School.
Our Staff
Our staff at Fielding is recognized for their commitment to educational excellence, and their expertise in meeting the needs of a very diverse population. Teachers continuously upgrade their skills and knowledge through after school workshops, summer courses and curriculum development activities. Teachers plan and often deliver units of study as a team. This collaborative approach enriches the quality of our programs and ensures that the scope and depth of staff expertise is maximized and shared with all students. Supporting our teachers in their objectives is an excellent office (1.5 positions) and custodial staff, 3 Educational Assistants as well as a 0.5 library technician, a school psychologist, speech pathologist, MLO and social worker.
Our Community
Fielding Drive is very fortunate to have a dedicated, supportive School Council and volunteers who work with staff to enhance academic and extracurricular programs. The Council’s goals include awareness of education and support for school efforts through volunteering and fundraising. We have a solid core of parents/community members participating during the school year, some at a single event and some on a weekly basis. Volunteers help in the classrooms, library, and on field trips. School Council meets the third Wednesday of the month with the main focus on sponsoring school events and activities. We welcome and encourage all parents and members of the community to attend.
Mission Statement
“Within a positive, safe, inclusive environment, Fielding Drive Public School will provide programs which strive to meet the needs of all students by fostering the development of personal values, by building skills and knowledge, and by promoting responsibility for one’s own lifelong learning.”
Facilities and Resources
Facilities include a library that is equipped with English and French resources, two gymnasiums, and special subject classrooms for science, design and technology, drama, art, and instrumental music.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Classroom Organization 2021/2022
Grade 4: 1 English (R4A)
Grade 4/5: 1 English (R45A)
Grade 5: 1 French Immersion (EF5A)
Grade 5/6 : 1 English (R56A); 1 Early French Immersion (EF56A)
Grade 6: 1 English (R6A); 1 Early French Immersion (EF6A )
Grade 7: 2 English (R7A/ R7B)): 2 Early French Immersion (EF7A , EF7B))
Grade 8: 2 English (R8A, R8B)) : 2 Early French Immersion (EF8A.,EF8B)
General Learning Program: 1 English (GLPA)
Autism Program: 2 English (AUTA & AUTB)
ELD Program : 1 English (ELDA)
Special Education and ESL/ELD Programs
Fielding's ESL (English as a Second Language) team supports our English Language Learning students in both the Junior and Intermediate programs. We also offer an ELD (English Literacy Development) program for English Language Learners in grades 6-8 who have had significant gaps in their previous schooling.
Our Learning Support Team offers Special Education support for identified students in both the Junior and Intermediate programs.
Fielding has one Junior General Learning Program (GLP) class and two Junior/Intermediate classes within our Autism Program.
Clubs and Activities: due to Covid these activities are not running at this time.
- Eco Club
- Fielding Allies
- Transformers
- Student Council
- Photography Club
- Concert Band
- Tier 1 & Tier 2 Junior & Intermediate Sports Teams
Safe Schools Initiatives
The foundation of our school code of conduct is RESPECT: for self, for others, for the environment. We expect students to accept responsibility for their learning, to do their best, to exercise self-discipline and to work with staff in maintaining a positive learning environment.
Our Code of Conduct, developed by staff, students and parents, is printed in the student agenda and available in the office.
Other Safe Schools Initiatives
- Safe School Committee – both staff and parent representation
- Staff supported progressive discipline measures based on collaborative problem solving and restorative practices
- Student Tracking System
- Student Success Program
- Character Education Model
- Safe Arrival Program