
Antiracism Workshop

The School Council invites you to the

Virtual Antiracism Workshop

on Wednesday, June 14th at 6PM

via Google Meet

Presented by

Elizabeth Dromer and Grace Jacob

Doctoral Clinical Psychology Students at the

Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Lab

School of Psychology, University of Ottawa


The workshop will cover:

What is racism?

What are the impacts of racism?

How to recognize if your child is experiencing racism

How to cope if you are a victim of racism and

How to be antiracist and raise antiracist children.


The workshop is made possible by the Parents Reaching Out Grant provided by the

Government of Ontario and the Ottawa Carleton District School Board



Our School Council was successful in acquiring a grant from Jumpstart of approximately $3800 for sports equipment!

We are happy to report that the equipment Is already at the school and is happily used in many of our classes and clubs.

Our Phys Ed equipment really needed to be refreshed and replenished and this grant really made a difference!

Thank you Jumpstart!!!

Used Book Sale

February 13-16 2023

Our first used book sale was a success!
We provided 125 books for the library and
raised funds for additional books to be purchased

We look forward to hosting used book sales next future!


Thank you to everyone who submitted artwork to create our mosaic image!

Thank you to the Fielding staff who voted to choose the image below.

A large banner was printed off and will be displayed at the school. A high resolution image is available HERE. You can use it to zoom in and find your artwork!

Grade 8 graduates will receive a colour copy of the mosaic. Best wishes from Council as you move on and take on the world!

Fielding Mosaic

Fielding Family Art Night

Tuesday June 1st (7:00 - 8:00 pm)

Thank you to all the families who joined us for a fun evening of art, and trivia. Congratulations to our prize winners!

If you could not join us, don't worry! See the following resources to create your own Picasso inspired artwork:

1) View a brief video about the life of Pablo Picasso:
2) Learn how to play "Roll A Picasso":
3) Save or print off THIS CARD to start making your own unique portrait
4) If you don't have dice, bookmark this online dice roller:
5) Create your own Picasso portrait and then colour it with crayons, pencils or paint!

Artwork submitted before June 8th was used to generate Fielding's BIG MYSTERY MOSAIC

Family Art Night - poster - large

Speaker Event "Self-Regulation in Children and Adolescence"

This event was held on Tuesday April 20 - 7:00 - 8:15 pm via ZOOM

RESOURCES (kindly provided by our speakers) can be found below:

Presentation Slides
A Parents Guide to Self-Regulation
Understanding Stress Behaviour
Website Resources

This event was co-organized by the Councils of Bayview PS, General Vanier PS, Castlefrank ES and Fielding Drive PS. It has been funded by the OCDSB through the "Parents Reaching Out" (PRO) grant.


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